Photography Tips On A Birding Safari
January 8, 2020Explore The Bwanga House, Kampala’s Oldest House
January 20, 2020Evaluate the gorilla’s behaviour
A stressed, charged or angry gorilla makes a loud noise, pound, jump, or slap the ground before attacking. A gorilla that is just tugging at clothes or grabbing at you may simply be curious. But if you realize that the gorilla is charged, please leave their home yard.
Be submissive, do not show signs of attacking the gorilla do not scream or hit the ground. Even if the gorilla grabs you, it may be playful behavior. Scaring or aggravating the gorilla may cause an angry response.
Be calm; avoid looking into the eyes of the gorilla. Remain quiet. Do not shout or open arms wide to try to appear larger. The gorilla may interpret these acts as hostile.
Watch for a bluff charge, a gorilla may make a “bluff charge” before an attack to scare potential threats. It may scream or “bark,” stomp its hands on the ground, and tear at vegetation as it advances toward you. A bluff charge is fast and intimidating and resembles an actual attack.
Kneel down to reduce the hight as a sign of surrendering – finally crow and leave the gorilla. If the gorilla feels threatened during a bluffing dis- play, it may decide to follow through with an attack.
Stay quiet and submissive, an attack may include severe biting and pounding or tearing with the gorilla’s hands. Even if it appears that the gorilla means to harm you, do not actively resist or fight back: It will interpret this behavior as a threat- enlarge and may attack more severely.
Groom, if the gorilla has gotten hold of you, begin to “groom” its arm while loudly smacking your lips. Primates are fastidious groomers, and grooming the gorilla in this fashion may distract the gorilla in a nonthreatening way. As the gorilla’s grip relaxes, slowly move you’re grooming hand to the gorilla’s hand, showing keen interest in any bits of leaf or dirt on the gorilla.
Be patient, remain quiet and passive until the gorilla loses interest or until help arrives.
Be aware, if you the Gorilla catch you; do not attempt to pry the gorilla’s fingers apart to remove his hand. A full-grown silverback gorilla is much stronger than any adult human. The gorilla’s grip will be like a vice that is impossible to open.